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Fall 2024 Meeting

The Fall Meeting was great! We had exceptional speakers and the venue was about perfect! If you missed it, please plan to attend both the joint KAUTC/IMSA conference in the spring and the KAUTC Annual meeting next summer. 

Fall 2024 Meeting

8:30 am: Coffee and Welcome

8:45 am: Donna Lee - KDOT & Traffic


9:15 am: David LaRoche - FHWA Update

9:45 am: Nelda Buckley - KUTC Update

10:00 am: BREAK

10:30 am: Jordan & Claire - K-10

11:00 am: Tom Chang - TrafficCalm & 

                  RRFBs in the New MUTCD

11:30 am – 1:00 pm: Lunch on your own

1:00 pm: Discussion on City/County Safety

               Action Plans ~ Progress and


1:30 pm: Discussion on Bylaws Changes

2:00 pm: Brian Geiger - PROWAG

3:00 pm: Afternoon Break

3:30 pm: Braxton Copley - Topeka Projects


4:30 pm: Adjourn

Spring 2024 Meeting

* Joint IMSA Meeting

* Presentation ideas?

Date (typ. March) and Location TBD

Spring 2024 Meeting

KAUTC Annual Meeting

* Voting new board member

* Voting Bylaws update

* Presentation ideas?

Date (June?) and Location TBD



The Kansas Association for Uniform Traffic Control (KAUTC) is an organization formed in 1973. It is comprised of a diverse group of members including: city, state, county and federal traffic engineers/ technicians, consultants, education, law enforcement and traffic related vendors.


KAUTC was conceived in 1972 when a group of concerned professionals met to discuss how the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices should be placed into operation. The group called themselves the Urban Area Traffic Engineer organization. Their primary purpose was to promote uniformity among traffic engineers in the state of Kansas. In 1973, the organization adopted a constitution and chose a new name, the Kansas Association for Uniform Traffic Control (KAUTC). Since then, KAUTC has grown in membership from 17 members to more than 150 members.


Today, KAUTC continues the promotion of uniformity as the transportation industry moves into the future. New technology, projects, and ideas are shared between members at our three yearly meetings. Please feel free to dig into our history and governance, fill out an application, and join us in discussion at our next meeting.




President - Kristi Eichkorn

Engineering Project Manager

Kansas Turnpike Authority


Phone: 785.274.3655

Secretary - Ryan Rindt

Senior Traffic Engineer
Kansas Department of Transportation 

Phone:  785.296.0731
Past Pres - Sally Mayer


Asst. Bureau Chief - Research

Kansas Dept. of Transportation


Phone: 785.291.3843

Vice Pres - Shawn Batalia


Mid American Signal

Phone:  913.229.3035

Treasurer - Jon Thompson


Design Engineer

Kaw Valley Engineering


Phone: 785.823.3400

Ad Hoc Officers

John Hightower - IMSA Coordinator

Traffic Signal Specialist

City of Overland Park

Phone: 913.327.6670

Kurt Rotering - Webmaster

Senior Team Leader - Traffic/Technology


Phone: 913.307.6570





1. Formal meeting of the KAUTC will be held on the first Wednesday of the months of February, June, and October, except in a case where a joint meeting is scheduled.


2. The Board of Directors shall hold their regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting prior to the formal meeting.


3. Members will be dropped from the membership roster if dues are unpaid by the June meeting.


4. The KAUTC newsletter shall be published and electronically mailed, at least thirty (30) days prior to each formal meeting.


5. The Secretary is empowered to sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer.


6. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to provide an updated list of unpaid members to the Board of Directors at each Board meeting.


7. It shall be the duty of the President to send a notice to the entire mailing list to pay their dues for the following year. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to track who has and has not paid then provide an updated invoice and list of those who have paid to the President. The President shall send the second and final notice for dues after the Spring Meeting.


8. The Board of Directors may waive the dues of retired members upon receiving an application of dues waiver request.



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